Tuesday 14 June 2011

For Sale: Second Hand Television Centre

Hey gang,

So, I've just heard that the BBC have put plans into action to sell off Television Centre. I am livid! For a start the market's in no fit state to sell anything. I've been trying to find a new flat recently - it's damp; long story (well it's not, we just have damp) but I'm struggling to sell. And I'm renting! Probably why they won't let me sell it.

Nevertheless it's not the time for the Beeb to be making any rash decisions. Do they not watch Location, Location, Location? Oh, maybe not, what with them being rivals an that. It is Channel4 after all. Well, Homes Under the Hammer then? OK, it's not as good but they do have Top Tips for selling a property.

Anyway, the main reason for my disapproval is because it's such an important part of my childhood. I grew up watching shows broadcast live from TV Centre and don't want to see that disappear. I've spent a lot of my protesting years there too; I once demonstrated against Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time. Well, it didn't quite work out like that. In the end it turned out I was next to the Gardner's Question Time studio. Monty Don didn't know what was going on! And of course, there's the famous incident where the Sex Pistols swore during a live broadcast of the Today show. I know that was on Thames television but still, I think the effects of the attack on censorship was felt in TV studios the world over. It certainly did in Bristol. I've never managed such an act of disobedience on live TV. I once chucked a 'nob' into a recording of Jeremy Kyle but they edited it out. Shame.

So, that's my thoughts on the closing of Television Centre! Don't do it! It would be a travesty, a failure, a loss to our national cultural and social heritage. That, and the opening credits of Live and Kicking would date dramatically.

Think on BBC!


Jerry x

Friday 6 May 2011

Nobody's AVin' any change

Well guys I'm not going to lie to you, I'm depressed.

I've just heard that AV has been outvoted in favour of what's gone before. I'm proper gutted. I'm guessing that it was because people didn't know, didn't care or didn't understand - to be fair, I didn't quite get it myself but I know Cameron was against it and I'm all for sticking it to the man so I voted 'yes'. Well, I wanted to.

Unfortunately it turns out I'm not a registered voter! I know! What rubbish. I live in a flat don't I? I'm British, aren't I? So why can I not vote? It turns out it's because I haven't registered myself. Fair dos. It's not actually my fault though, it's Brillo's fault. Brillo's my flat mate and when we moved in I asked him to sort out the council tax but he obviously forgot. That's fair enough; he's a busy guy - he's currently part of an surreal anti-authority artistic movement, he stands up again oppression using art installations as his weapons. Basically, he runs round shopping centres when he's painted his arse blue. Even so, if he'd sorted out the Council Tax liked I'd asked then I may have been registered in time to vote. It's like I keep saying to him 'smashing the system is all well and good mate, but if you can't even sort a simple piece of accommodational admin then we'll never get anything done.'

Anyway, it's a shame AV didn't make it in as I was trying to tie it in to a new campaign I'm starting up to help raise awareness of intolerance towards deaf and blind people (ie those that are impaired audioally and visually). It was going to be called 'Yes2AV4AV' and the slogan would have been 'see hear!' Anyway I never got it sorted in time, as I was setting up with a deaf lad called Mike Packem but I rang his mobile to finalise details the other week and he never answered. Probably forgot to put it on vibrate. Oh well, there's always next time.

Keep on fighting guys!

Jerry x

Saturday 30 April 2011

A Right Royal Day!

Well guys,

Friday was the Official Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middle-class (that's just a joke based on the fact she's well off and her name's Middleton). Now as a protester I am dead against the Royal family, so I decided to stage a demonstration against a street party being held near my home in Bristol.

My problem with the Royal family is this: I find the whole thing an elitist and upper-class example of how the bourgeois look down on us and command us to do their bidding. OK a lot has changed in recent years but I find the entire institution an outdated and negative spectacle which sends our modern and multicultural society back into the dark ages.

That said, I had a wonderful day!

I was stood in the middle of the road with my placards* and megaphone trying to drum up some support but no one was having it. Three hours I was there! I almost gave up and went home then Pat from number 32 came out with a bottle of Tuborg and a slice of pork pie! God bless her. I tried to resist at first but then you'd be surprised how moist Melton Mowbray pies are - delicious! Anyway, she invited me round to join her folks and I'll be honest I had a whale of a time! There were cocktails, a buffet and even a paddling pool! Get in! I didn't leave till gone 2am. Wild night!

So this is just a shout out to Pat, Geoff, Nigel, Sue and the kids! Peace to the Benchwood Road massive!

However I still believe the wedding is a symbol of elitist oppression.


Jerry x

*(the placards read: 'Down with the Uppers' - it was meant to suggest the over-throwing of the higher classes, in retrospect it looked like I was selling A-class narcotics. In fact I was approached several times. Oh and if Speedo Jim is reading this then I hope you found your dealer.)

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Well folks,

I got my Census through the door the other day, as I'm sure you did. Have you filled yours in yet? I haven't. And I don't intend to. You'd be a fool to do it. It's just another way for the Government to keep tabs on you! I'm not falling for their traps! If The Man wants to know what I'm up to and when and where then he can ask me face to face.

I don't like giving too much information away as it means you can be traced. Like Matt Damon in that film - Good Will Hunting. They knew his every move. I very nearly didn't sign up for a Tesco's Club Card for the same reason. They asked too many questions. In the end I went for it. Yeah, they might know my shopping habits but at least this ways I get points for buying my Kumquats!

So just remember guys don't be handing out your personal information to just anyone -it's not safe! Only trust certain people. Like this guy I've been emailing, Prince Abalakiki. Apparently he's looking for some help. He needs the funds to return home to Nigeria - I think he's in Peckham at the moment - and he approached me directly. Obviously he knows what good I do and so has been modest enough to ask himself. I'm only too happy to help. Now if only I can remember the name of my first pet...

see you guys!

Jerry x

Sunday 6 March 2011

Back on the Blog!

Hi Guys!

Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while but it's been all go my end! I tell you, this last few months in particular has seen a positive boom in protesting, which is brilliant. On the flipside of that though, it means there's been an increase in crimes against human rights, animals and the enviroment, but hey ho, it's swings and round abouts. And if it wasn't for injustices then I'd be out of a job. My protesting job that is, not my part time work at JD Wetherspoons. I couldn't do without that!

Anyway I want to start this message with a quick congrats to all my Eygptian friends! Hats off to you guys for noticing a problem with the government and kick out Barak Obama! Never liked him anyway. It just goes to show that standing up against oppression will get you seen. It also goes to show that errecting camping sites in city centres is a useful and successful means of housing. Which is what my new campaign is about. I'm hoping to speak to the Mayor of London - Boris Johnson himself, about my new idea for a tent site in Trafalga Square. The scheme's called Centre Parkers and is aiming to house the homeless in urban areas. It's a bit like Butlins but for tramps.

Right well I can't hang around him all day telling you all about my ideas, I have to go put them into practice. But my heart goes out to those guys in Libya - you can do it. I've never liked that Colonel Gaddafi anyway. He's a right pain. I know what it's like trying to get rid of someone you don't want. I once had a mate who stayed over for a night. That turned into three weeks, and he never once did the washing up. In the end I just had to ask him politely to leave. It worked. Try it, you never know.

All the best and much love,

Jerry x